diamondreelsnodepositbonuscodes|【港股通】商汤(00020)低开后涨6.25% 近一个月涨幅接近200%

editor Nature 2024-05-06 5 0

Jinwu Caixun| Shangtang (00020) opened lower in early trading and then fluctuated higherdiamondreelsnodepositbonuscodes, as of press time, up 6diamondreelsnodepositbonuscodes.25%, reported at HK$1.70, with a turnover of HK$1.546 billion.

Since mid-April, Shangtang's share price has continued to soar. Compared with the low of HK$0.58 on April 16, Shangtang's cumulative increase so far has reached 193%.

diamondreelsnodepositbonuscodes|【港股通】商汤(00020)低开后涨6.25% 近一个月涨幅接近200%

On the news front, Shangtang released the "New SenseNova 5.0" model in late April. Its multimodal capabilities have been greatly improved and it ranks ahead in various test lists. According to Shangtang, the Ririxin 5.0 model system is based on more than 10TB of tokens training, covers a large amount of synthetic data, and adopts a mixed expert architecture. Its comprehensive capabilities comprehensively benchmark the GPT-4 Turbo, and even reaches or exceeds the GPT-4 Turbo in mainstream objective evaluation.

Haitong International said that due to the current unclear commercialization route of generative artificial intelligence, it believes that the company's value is seriously underestimated.